Hi Green Kids!
Welcome to the Green Kids Club Newsletter where you can keep up with the Green Kids Club happenings each month, learn some new things, and challenge yourself as a true Green Kid ambassador for the planet (adult or child)!
Grizzly 399 and her Four Cubs are Out
After a long winter, Grizzly 399 and her cubs are now out from hibernation. This late spring or early summer is when 399 will move her cubs out to be on their own. We hope that she and her cubs, even after they are separated, stay within the park boundaries (although, bears can't read signs telling them they are in or out of the park). It is speculated that Grizzly 399, may mate again and perhaps end up with more cubs next summer. This is a photo I took recently - okay the last cub is hidden behind the bush - this cub always seem to be lollygagging!
Also the the Jackson Hole News and Guide highlighted a story about our new book and the importance of managing food and trash correctly so the bears and other animals do not become habituated. |
Meet Andreas
We are so very pleased to have Andreas Wessel-Therhorn supporting Green Kids Club in updating our classic books as well as in illustrating some of our new Environmental Hero Stories. Andreas, is a veteran former Disney animator from Münster, Germany. He has been working in animation for over 32 years for, among others, Walt Disney Feature Animation, Warner Bros., and Universal Studios. His many credits include Hercules, Tarzan, Fantasia 2000, and Mary Poppins Returns. He has recently completed the Jade Elephant which has been published, Gorilla's Roar (coming VERY soon), and our new bee book written with Kelly Landen from Elephants Without Borders! Thank you Andreas for being part of our team!!!
Environmental Hero (Heroine)
We are so happy to announce that Lek Chailert, founder of Save Elephant Foundation is our newest Environmental Hero for this quarter. Lek has helped to save the lives of hundreds of elephants in Asia through her work where she educates elephant owners and helps them to transition their businesses away from having their elephants be ridden, perform for circuses, and other harmful venues. Lek's work has received international recognition through mainstream media. She recently was involved with a story called Love and Bananas' - see the trailer - where she teaches us about the plight of the elephant. Lek is known as the Elephant Whisperer of Thailand. Thank you Lek for all your wonderful work - go to this link on our homepage to hear our entire interview with Lek! |
Wyoming Wildlife Advocates Bear Proof Garbage Can Program
Wyoming Wildlife Advocates has introduced the JH Bear Solutions program to reduce human-bear conflict by helping to distribute the use of bear-resistant trash cans to people in the Jackson, Wyoming area located right next to Teton National Park. This program is being put in place after many problems have occurred with grizzly bear habituation issues (as a result many bears were killed last year because of this). The Teton County Commission implemented regulations requiring bear proof-containers. JH Bear Solutions allows access to bear-resistant trash cans for all residents of Teton County - regardless of their financial status.
If you live in the area and need a trash can click here, or if you want to donate also hit the link. |
This is a brief summary of an article on the current status at this Ecopark. There are other animal parks also trying to get animals out.
KHARKIV, Ukraine, April 27, 2022 (ENS) – The evacuation of the Oleksandr Feldman Ecopark in the bombed city of Kharkiv is still going on – the animals are being removed from the line of fire, even as shelling continues. Most lions, tigers, jaguars, leopards, bears, primates, and wolves have already been placed in safer locations.
Before the full-scale war about 5,000 animals of almost 300 species lived in the Feldman Ecopark, which combined animal care and therapy for children with special needs. It is a project of the ICF Oleksandr Feldman Foundation started in 1997 by Olexandr Borisovich Feldman, a member of Parliament, businessman, and multi-millionaire.
May Animal & Environment Observances
- Be Kind to Animals Month
- Chip Your Pet Month
- Gardening for Wildlife Month
- International Respect for Chickens Month
- National Pet Month
- Be Kind to Animals Week - May 1-7, 2022 (First Full Week in May)
- International Wildlife Film Week - April 23-30, 2022 (Virtual May 1-7, 2022)
- World Migratory Bird Day - May 14-15, 2022 (Second Weekend in May), and October 8, 2028 (Second Saturday in October)
- Save the Rhino Day - May 1
- International Respect for Chickens Day - May 4
- National Wildfire Community Preparedness Day - May 7, 2022 (First Saturday in May)
- Start Seeing Monarchs Day - May 7, 2022 (First Saturday in May)
- Fintastic Friday: Giving Sharks a Voice - May 13, 2022 (Second Friday in May)
- International Migratory Bird Day - May 14, 2022 (Second Saturday in May)
- National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day - May 14, 2022
- Dinosaur Day - May 17, 2022 and June 1
- Endangered Species Day - May 20, 2022 (Third Friday in May)
- World Bee Day - May 20
- World Turtle Day - May 23
- World Otter Day - May 25, 2022 (Last Wednesday in May)
- Whooping Crane Day - May 28
- Pink Flamingo Day - May 29
- World Parrot Day - May 31
VaquitaEndangered Species Day is May 20th. For our newsletter item, we are highlighting the Vaquita, a species of dolphin found in the northern end of the Gulf of California. Believe it or not, at this time there are only about 10 of them left in the world. Many people and organizations are trying hard to save them, but it is looking pretty bleak at this time.
"Vaquita porpoises often get caught and die in gillnets, vertical nets that hang down into the ocean. Fishers in Mexico illegally use these gillnets to catch totoaba – an endangered fish – and shrimp.
The researchers noted that if gillnet deaths were to cease entirely, there was a high probability that the porpoise would not go extinct. If gillnet deaths decrease only by 80%, the likelihood of species survival drops dramatically."Yahoo News, Sun, May 8, 2022, 8:49 PM.
A film called, Sea of Shadows highlights the issues around this beautiful fish and the organized crime that is bringing dolphin to its demise. We as a human population need to change our ways or we will just continue losing animals that are trying to share the world with us. Also, read this article from the Guardian which also describes in more detail what can maybe be done to ensure its survival as a species. Photo from Reddit.com homepage site.
Environmental Non-Profit or NGO Highlight
Rainforest Partnership, World Rainforest Day recognizes standing, healthy forests as one of the most powerful and cost-effective climate change mitigation tools we have — and creates a global movement to protect and restore them
Rainforest Partnership brings partners together, that all focus on protecting and supporting our rainforests. These organizations include indigenous groups, policy representatives, youth leaders, the private sector, creative guilds, and more. Green Kids Club and Love the Wild Foundation is proud to be working with Rainforest Partnership in helping to make a difference! We will be participating in International Rainforest Day with them on June 22nd. Join us!

We are offering our newest book, Grizzly 399 and Her Four Hungry Cubs to the first 3 people to respond will receive a free book. Contact us
Complete the information and let us know you are submitting for this give away and the book you will receive! |
Our Livestream Interview with Ian Michler of Blood Lions
Princess storytelling with Dr. Gary Shapiro - click here
Hear us read Grizzly 399 and A Tail of Three Lions told by Ian Michler and Sylvia Medina
Our first E-book out on Amazon Kindle Books – Grizzly 399 – you can take this book anywhere you can carry your phone!!!!
Calling all Educators – Including Home Schooled Children!
If you are interested in an online class to teach children about wildlife, especially grizzly bears, go to our online class about Grizzly 399, through Inspired Classroom. We plan to add in some additional classroom challenges as we get into the winter. If anyone is interested in participating in this challenge go to Inspired Classroom to learn more. Feel free to email us questions as well, if you would like to get involved in our challenge!
About the author
Green Kids Club