Green Kids Club focuses on spreading the word about environmental issues relating to people and animals through storytelling. We do this by working with conservation groups such as Elephants Without Borders, Saving the Survivor, and Blood Lions as some examples, and writing children’s books related to environmental issues they are experiencing. After publishing a book with one of these conservation groups we donate part of our proceeds to their organization. We also promote the story and issue through social media and by classroom experiences (virtual or real). Often our books are also given to children around the world to educate them about animals and their environment (we do this through our non-profit arm – Love the Wild Foundation). We hope the work we do will make a difference in this world and its animals!
White Wolves of Yellowstone Available Now!
We are excited to announce that our newest release, White Wolves of Yellowstone, is now available to purchase now! Learn the real-life story of one of the most beautiful animals. Written by Sylvia M. Medina, Rene Hersey, and Juile Argyle in collaboration with Douglas Smith, an important figure in the world of Yellowstone Wolves. illustrated by Andreas Wessel-Therhorn creating some of the best illustrations in a Green Kids Club story capturing the beauty of Yellowstone National Park. You can purchase your hardback or paperback copy today at our shop or by clicking the button below.
Summer 2024 Discounts!
Celebrate the season, the planet, and the animal ecosystem with Green Kids Club. Check out our library of beautiful, fun, and educational books. Learn about Grizzly 399 in Yellowstone or the elephants in Africa, and get 10% off your order using code SUMMER24. The discount code is only available until July 1st.
Join the Green Kids Club this summer with the stories you'll love!
Danger in the Arctic and Wolf Matriarchs of Yellowstone
We are excited to announce multiple upcoming Green Kids Club books, including Danger in the Arctic and White Wolves in Yellowstone
Danger in the Arctic is a revised and re-illustrated version of a Green Kids Club Classic, Balto Saves the Arctic. Follow the Green Kids as they travel to the Arctic and meet with their friend Iluak, and his dog Balto. They learn the troubles of climate change the the emissions that cause it. Can the Green Kids help the Arctic animals? Written by Sylvia M. Medina and Illustrated by Andreas Wessel-Therhorn. Danger in the Arctic is set to release in 2024.
The Wolf Matriarchs of Yellowstone is a story written by Sylvia M. Medina and Douglas W. Smith. This story is about the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone after they were practically annihilated from the park. It specifically tells the story of the beautiful matriarch wolves - Wolf 7 and 9 and the role the played in bringing back the wolf to Yellowstone!
Environmental Hero Series Books
The Environmental Book Series includes Green Kids Club stories that are based on real stories, animals, and people. They include beautiful illustrations and heartwrenching, dramatic stories. Environmental Hero books are often made in collaboration with other organizations.
The bees are in trouble! Set in Botswana, Africa a new farmer is using pesticides on the plants and hurting the bees and bats that live in the area. Princess Lili and her friends go out searching for a new home to get away from the bad farmer. On the way, they encounter an angry dwarf mongoose and escape from the clutches of a black mamba that keep them from finding a home. Follow Lili as she searches for her new home!
Elee and the Shining Star - Noah Text Version for Dyslexic and struggling readers!
Our Latest Story with Grizzly 399 which highlights habituation issues and the impacts on bears. Learn how you can make a difference!
Tau, a brave young lion cub, Lives on the African Savanna with his mother and two brothers. When his brothers are taken by poachers, Tau fears for their lives. Though his mother tells him to simply "hope for the best," Tau is resolved to rescue his siblings. He strikes out to do just that, in time learning a great deal about his lion world while discovering a lot more than he bargained for!
Check Out the Environmental Hero Series Books
Douglas W. Smith PhD retired as Senior Wildlife Biologist in Yellowstone National Park in 2022 after 28 years of service to Yellowstone.
He supervised the wolf, bird, and elk programs – formerly three jobs combined into one under Doug’s supervision. His original job was the Project Leader for the Yellowstone Wolf Project which involved the reintroduction and restoration of wolves to Yellowstone National Park. He helped establish this project and position.
Doug received a bachelor of Science degree in Wildlife Biology from the University of Idaho in 1985, a Master of Science degree in Biology at Michigan Technological University in 1988, and a PhD from the University of Nevada, Reno, in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology in 1997.
He is most recognized for his wolf research and management, working with wolves for 44 years across North America and Europe, most notably in Yellowstone and Isle Royale national parks. Besides wolves, he has decades of experience studying and researching beavers and birds.
As a result of this work, he has produced over 100 peer-reviewed publications, tens of popular articles, six books, and thousands of interviews, including 60 Minutes, several BBC and National Geographic specials, and several live national television broadcasts. Two books, Decade of the Wolf and Yellowstone Wolves, received awards – the Montana Nature Book of the Year and the Wildlife Society’s Best Edited Wildlife Book for 2020. Yellowstone’s Birds out in late 2023 is only the third bird book in the park’s 150-year history.
Doug is also an in-demand public speaker, having given approximately 2000 talks on wolves, birds, and other wildlife. He was selected as a National Geographic Live speaker for 2024. Since retiring and besides public speaking, Doug is consulting on several wolf management programs and helping with public outreach and media about wildlife conservation issues in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem. Other than wildlife research and conservation, Doug is an avid canoeist paddling some of the most remote regions on the North American continent, including four trips lasting a month. He and his wife, Christine, live with their two sons in Bozeman, Montana.
Doug Smith Interview
Watch our full interview with Doug Smith or watch in parts separated by question. Doug talks about how he got into his career and his "retirement." He speaks about the history of wolves in Yellowstone, the struggles they've faced, killing contests, and more. Learn more by watching the interview.
Who is Doug Smith?
Environmental Hero Doug Smith Interview Parts
Watch our interview with Doug Smith in parts. Doug answers questions about who he is, his career, wolves, his PHD, and more. Watch the interview parts to learn more!
Our club is expanding! The Green Kids Club is taking its love for the wild and evolving into our newest, most interactive and educational place for kids of all ages…Wild Green Kids! Venture into the great outdoors with educational quizzes, puzzling animal mazes, wild coloring pages, and animal highlights to learn all the coolest facts about wildlife and their environments. Click our link below to visit the most wild animal club for kids!
See our Newsletter
Watch our Livestream Q&A with Ian Michler here.
Green Kids Club Supports
Non-Profit Organizations
For the last several years, Green Kids Club has been promoting educational materials and story lines with Elephants Without Borders (EWB). We have also co-written books with the Orang Utan Republik Foundation, Blood Lions, Cougar Fund, and Saving the Survivors. We believe these groups, and other organizations like them, are doing very important work on the front lines to save our wildlife for future generations. You can help make a difference too! When you purchase anything from our store, a portion of the proceeds goes directly to the wildlife organization of your choice.
Green Kids Club founder Sylvia M. Medina, also has created their own non-profit, Love the Wild Foundation. You can find out more by going to the website.
Learn more about all of the non-profits we support on our Non-Profit Initiatives and Organizations We Support pages.
Photos by Sylvia Medina, EWB, Juli Yanti, Ry Emmerson, Cath Jakins, Johan Marais, and Sue Cedarholm.
Roly: The Rhino Who Wanted to Be a Unicorn
New Book Release From Andreas Wessel-Therhorn
'Roly: The Rhino Who Wanted to be a Unicorn' is an inspiring story written and illustrated by Andreas Wessel-Therhorn, an acclaimed Disney artist and animator. With 'Roly,' Andreas takes up authorship, telling the story of a Rhino who begins to doubt the picture of himself. 'Roly' is a story of acceptance directed at younger audiences; it is, however, an essential lesson for people of any age. You can pick up your copy of Roly today by clicking the button below!