Hi Green Kids!
Welcome to the Green Kids Club Newsletter where you can keep up with the Green Kids Club happenings each month, learn some new things, and challenge yourself as a true Green Kid ambassador for the planet (adult or child)! Photo to Commemorate Bison Day!
If you get a chance take a look at our new book Jade Elephant! We are thrilled by the recreation of our book with Andreas Wessel-Therhorn a past Disney Artist with the likes of Tarzan and The Princess and the Frog and on top of this – we are working with Lek Chailart from Save Elephant Foundation. She has done a phenomenal job at making a difference in the world of Asian Elephants! We are donating 50% of sales from this book to this amazing foundation. Please help by purchasing a book!
We would like to highlight our book, Elee with Noah Text for Dyslexic readers. We hope that you will make children or adults who have dyslexia aware of this book. We are happy to also announce that our Grizzly 399 book will sign be in Noah Text.
What book or story is next in our Environmental Heroes Series of books?
We are writing a book about bees with Elephants Without Borders! We are very excited about this. The story follows a Queen bee who sends her daughter out to find a new hive for them to reside in after a bad farmer takes over their home and begins using harmful pesticides. Follow them as they find a wonderful new home in the Chobe Nature Reserve in Kasane, Botswana with Elephants without Borders.
Please help us with our virtual fundraiser to benefit our friends at Elephants Without Borders (EWB). The beautiful tote bag features a photo of Molelo and his adopted elephant family. All proceeds will go directly to the work that EWB is doing for elephant conservation in Botswana. With COVID hitting many areas in Africa including Botswana, EWB can use all the help they can to continue making a difference!
New Item
Green Kids with Love the Wild Foundation was thrilled to have the Big Fork Art & Cultural Center sponsor the Inspired Classroom featuring Grizzly 399. The children learned about grizzly bears, their habitats and how to draw these amazing animals. Artists were brought in and the children learned techniques on how to make these illustrations. I only wish I could have been there too!
New Item
Ian Michler is the lead character, researcher and co-campaign leader of the award-winning documentary Blood Lions. He co-authored with me our children's book, "A Tail of Three Lions." With the many changes going on in the lion industry we were lucky to get his Ian's time to do a book reading with us. So take a few minutes if you can - see if your child would like to hear this beautiful story as told by myself and Ian Michler!
Also for your information I have included the Blood Lion trailer and I hope you are able to watch the entire documentary. It is for mature audiences.
Green Kids is proud to announce our newest Environmental Hero, Thomas D. Mangelsen. Tom is one of the most awarded and influential nature photographers in the world. He has traveled throughout the natural world for over 45 years, observing and photographing some of Earth's last great wild places. One particular project focused on a mountain lion family and inspired Tom to co-found with Cara Blessly Lowe, The Cougar Fund for the conservation of this species and other carnivores through education and advocacy. We are proud to be collaborating on our children's books, Grizzly 399, and Grizzly 399 Hibernation Pandemonium. Thank you Tom for making a difference!
See this inspirational TED talk by Thomas D. Mangelsen - Tom Mangelsen and Grizzly 399 |
The Real Grizzly 399 and Her 4 Cubs
Green Kids has written two stories about Grizzly 399, one of the most famous bears in the world. She lives in Teton National Park, Wyoming and has had many cubs over the years. But at the age of 24 years old, she surprised the world with the birth of 4 cubs. Grizzly 399 is a very good mother and over the years has learned to live by and around people with no real negative situations arising. But in the last year and a half she has started to travel back and forth between the Teton Park and Jackson, Wyoming and even a bit farther south. She has been moving a lot and eating bird feed from peoples homes they put out, honey from local Apiary’s, and horse feed. The Wyoming Fish & Game in conjunction with the Park Service are trying to manage this without creating a negative situation – please hit the link on this article to see the latest of what is happening. We pray and hope she will return to the park and get ready for hibernation.
Here is another article where cubs were captured over the weekend of November 6th and collared to try and safely manage them.
Wolves See what we have posted on our homepage. We are trying to keep up and monitor the situation. So far no changes have been made from what we understand to protect wolves that are being killed throughout Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.
Felicia the Bear Things with Felicia are still status quo on good from what we understand! So she and her cubs are doing fine we hope! If you don't know who Felicia the bear is click here. |
October Animal & Environment Observances
Animal Holidays for November 2021 – some of these holidays are quite interesting – note AFRMA Fancy Rat & Mouse Day! Month
- Adopt a Turkey Month
- Manatee Awareness Month
2021 Weeks:
- National Animal Shelter and Rescue Appreciation Week - November 7-13, 2021 (First Full Week of November)
2021 Days: (Date Order)
Adopt a Turkey Month
So do you like to eat turkey? Okay I have to admit. I have tried to be vegan - it just won't come. But I try not to eat too much beef, chicken, fish, and shrimp - and I eat turkey. What can I say. Quit eating turkey? So did you know here in the United States that some turkeys never make it to the dinner table?
Every Thanksgiving day these lucky turkeys get a presidential pardon and go to a Turkey Sanctuary? Okay is there such a thing as a turkey sanctuary? And do they actually go? Watch the following video to learn about there new home!
Also try and buy your turkey from a farm that treats the animals in a humane way. |
Well do you know what a Numbat is? When I looked at the holidays I scratched my head wondering what the heck was this kind of animal. So I googled it and found out a few things about it.
The Numbat, also called the banded anteater, is a small endangered marsupial animal native to parts of Australia. They have a long sticky tongue that allows them pick up termites, which they eat exclusively.
The Numbat is under threat from habitat loss and introduced predators like foxes and feral cats. With an estimated population of fewer than 1000 individuals, we need your help to protect the future of this unique marsupial. If you want to learn more about Numbat’s click here. |
November is generally the month that people start looking to purchase gifts for Christmas. Maybe this year challenge your family to help non-profits for our environment, its animals and people who may need help. Green Kids Club has our non-profit arm, Love the Wild Foundation. Through this we give books to children to teach them about environmental issues, and we also provide scholarships and support to different organizations in need. We are proud to now be helping a village in Kenya located outside of Ambesoli National Park helping their children learn the importance of environmental stewardship for their lands and animals.
Teton Raptor Center began in 1991 when two field biologists working in Grand Teton National Park began caring for injured raptors out of their home. Now they care for over 130 injured birds per year at our full equipped rehabilitation facility, and have expanded our mission to include education and research programs. See this video to see what they are all about. Can’t wait to hopefully visit them next year!

This month we are giving away a copy of Grizzly 399 Hibernation Pandemonium and also our new book the Jade Elephant. So look out for these announcements on Facebook and Instagram!
Also to commemorate the UN Global Climate Change meeting going on this month we will give two copies of our Ice Jams book out to those who respond to our Facebook and Instagram announcement.
Our Livestream Interview with Ian Michler of Blood Lions
Princess storytelling with Dr. Gary Shapiro - click here
Hear us read Grizzly 399 and also A Tail of Three Lions
Our first E-book out on Amazon Kindle Books – Grizzly 399 – you can take this book anywhere you can carry your phone!!!!
Calling all Educators – Including Home Schooled Children!
If you are interested in an online class to teach children about wildlife, especially grizzly bears, go to our online class about Grizzly 399, through Inspired Classroom. We plan to add in some additional classroom challenges as we get into the winter. If anyone is interested in participating in this challenge go to Inspired Classroom to learn more. Feel free to email us questions as well, if you would like to get involved in our challenge!
About the author
Green Kids Club